Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Invited Readers Only

More and more often I’ll find an RV blog and when I try to follow them I get the following message. They follow others but you need their permission to follow them. I get it, but I don’t. Not a big deal just something I have been noticing more and more lately.



Merikay said...

Some people have had problem with irritating comments either on their blog or by people in their physical circle. Perhaps they feel more comfortable not having public access to their blogs. Another reason is they want to keep their family off the internet, or not publicize their being away from home to strangers. I could understand that. It may be foolish to post "We will be gone from our house for this period of time. Come rob us...

I have thought about myself. But we don' have much of value in the house, perhaps if someone broke in they would help us get rid of some of the "stuff." I'd rather have the insurance money!

Erik's RV Blog said...

Merikay - Agreed, with everything you say, but family seems to be the very last people who look at our blogs, or maybe thats just me. Not sure but I do keep some things from this blog simply because of privacy.

michael ultra said...

I have noticed this, too. I don't understand some people. I have no block on my comments and have only had one there that I wish wasn't, and it was from anonymous. I am not thoroughly convinced those blocked blogs are because the owners want to do that. You know how contrary Mr Blogger can be.

Sue and Doug said...

I have run into this a few times..and did not bother to persue reading the blog..I have always thought that if you put your blog on the internet for all to read why would you make it private? I just pass on those ones..there is tons out there that don't have a there is more than enough to read!

Diana said...

There are a few blogs that I follow that are by invitation only. Some people have problems with comments, others just only want certain people reading their blog. Likewise, don't want certain people reading their blog! It's all good.

If you decide to do this Erik, please invite me!! Love Di ♥

Donna K said...

Hmmm, haven't run into that - interesting. I can see the reasoning behind it though if you are only posting for family. I like to read other RVing blog for information on places to visit, things to see, tips on RV maintenance, etc., so I am glad I have plenty that I can read. I've also found that family seems to be the last ones to read our blog.

TexCyn said...

Erik, I've ran into that also. In some cases, I wonder if the folks even know that they've set themselves as private? Don't know, but I guess with so many blogs, we can just move onto the next one huh? How is Rhonda doing?

Rae said...

I run into it once in awhile. Kinda misses the point of blogging if you ask me.

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

After having followed a number of blogs for a quite while suddenly I was being told the same thing By Invitation Only. The problem was with Google! What I did was change how I was following the blogs and after signing in by Google I would then change it to following by Blogger. The strange thing is Blogger is run by Google but I haven't had any problems since.

It's about time.