Friday, November 12, 2010

Comment Moderation, Turned Back On, Sorry

Well, I opened it up and very soon after the vile comments started, I don’t know if they are from the same person or not, if so he has changed his writing style.

Anyway, I apologize for letting him back in and I have now turned moderation back on. Perhaps I should have started the blog fresh instead of re-using my old blog.

I’ll be considering changing, but how hard will it be for this person to find it if I leave it open? I made the blog private for nearly two years and within an hour of opening it back up he was back, how pathetic can one person be if he’s checking for changes that often?

I don’t get it.


Donna McNicol said...

Have you tried Blogger's new SPAM function? When you go into your settings there is a tab for COMMENTS. You can select comments and delete them or mark them as SPAM. I think if you SPAM it, they will watch for the same poster and maybe mark all comments as SPAM? Worth a try, even if it takes a few times to get it to stick.

Another thing you can do is require logins to post comments, don't allow anonymous comments.

Erik's RV Blog said...

The spam function is turned on but didn't do anything in this case. If the person posts from different locations his IP is different.

I have given thought to not allowing anonymous posting but I have family that comment and they don't have accounts. I'll just leave moderation on so nobody else will see the trash he tries to post.

I'm going to go back and delete his posts now, I forgot to do it last night.