Sunday, June 9, 2013

File Under, Now I’ve Seen Everything…

We started unloading the car Friday night, after turning on the power and the water I heard flies everywhere and smelled the tell tale signs of a dead animal. After looking around I found a large dead Raccoon under our shed!  Surprised smile 

Two workcampers stopped by and helped me eradicate the offensive smelling beast from under the shed and they disposed of it quickly. We bought them both a 12 pack for the help.

Ronda went and picked up Lars and Naomi for their weekend stay with us to celebrate their birthdays. I forgot to take pictures but we all had a great time and a nice bon-fire which has used up most of the face cord of wood we bought a month ago.

I dropped them off tonight so Lars could play his PS2 and then we had Ronda’s parents stop by for another bon-fire last night. Today is supposed to be storming so we’re looking forward to that. Smile

I hope everybody had a great weekend!


Merikay said...

Glad the body was easy to get out and dispose of. A dead beastie is not something you need after the spring you had this year. Nice to read you are enjoying some camp time.

Erik's RV Blog said...

Merikay - Yeah, thankfully it was easy to get rid of. We had a grat weekend visiting the kids and in-laws.

It was a great weekend.

JO said...

YUCK! and you thought the mice smelled bad?
Nice you had a great weekend. Its funny how we forget to take those pictures when so much is going on.

Erik's RV Blog said...

JO - That smell is something that takes awhile to get out of your system The entire weekend I was asking Ronda if she still smelled it, she couldn't but it stayed in my nose until we left.

Yeah, I should have gotten some pics of them playing in the playground or at the firepit or something, completely forgot. :(

Big Matt said...

I can't remember if you have an ailment that would prevent it, but I've found that nothing gets the smell out and masks the scent of death like a strong cigar.

Erik's RV Blog said...

Matt - I'm not into cigars but I can see how that would work! :)

Steinar Andersen said...
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